Are distractions good or bad?The answer. It DEPENDS!
For some reason, the term distraction has a negative connotation most of the time. The poor word is a scapegoat for the lack of accountability we humans like to dodge. We are so good at blaming words for our dilemmas. Let’s face it we have distractions because we Decide to have distractions. They can be healthy and positive. They can be unhealthy and dysfunctional. But let’s not blame or give the word distraction a bad rap. The culprit, antecedent, and catalyst is the character you see when you look in the mirror….. me, myself, and I……who makes micro and macro decisions all day, every day. Distractions are needed. Yet, we seem to sometimes want to have guilt about them. For me I try to assess the usefulness and benefits of my distractions based on a few things. 1.How does it make me feel? Does it make me feel good afterwards? 2.Am I confusing distraction with productivity? 3.Am I using a distraction to avoid something I need to do now or soon? 4.Am I using a distraction to not deal with reality? 5.Am I using the distraction to escape or grow? (Both can be good btw) 6.Have my distractions become an addiction? I honestly feel that if we unapologetically lean into our healthy distractions, we will find that distractions are not the enemy. Do you need a distraction? #AWVO out